Social media content is essential for the success of your Inbound Marketing plan. These platforms are an integral part of a digital ecosystem in which hundreds of millions of users connect daily to search for information, have fun and buy products. Let’s review how content on social media drives your strategy in different ways.
The importance of the content of your digital media that you share on social networks
Facebook and Twitter are excellent platforms to promote the content of your corporate blog. Although it is not original information created for these networks, it is important for your Inbound Marketing plan for the following reasons:
- It helps to generate traffic to your blog and other media: because you make the most of the audience you have, promote your links and improve the web positioning of each platform.
- You generate brand attention: your audience needs to recognize your brand through content. Sharing these publications on your social networks provides an opportunity for your company to generate attention, gain their trust and invite them to visit your different digital platforms.
Original content for social networks and its weight in your strategy
In addition to your blog links and e-commerce platform, you must create original content for social media, which will bring great benefits. Among the main ones we have:
- It helps to complement the information from your other digital media: in addition to the content you provide from your blog, you can diversify your strategy by summarizing the most important points in an infographic or creating short videos to achieve a higher level of engagement.
- Build trust: your audience is smart and perceptive. Therefore, if you constantly link information from your blog, without further explanation and without offering them other original content, you will disappoint many of them, and they will even think that your social network is a simple clickbait site.
However, your complementary information will strengthen the bonds of trust between your brand and its audience since it clearly shows your intention to provide them with everything they need in a clear and objective way.
– Guide your leads in a more efficient way: each prospect requires adequate content for the different stages of the funnel. Therefore, original content on social media will be important for lead nurturing.
Gaining followers strengthens your campaign
Inbound Marketing is based on the trust and loyalty that prospects bring to your brand. Therefore, sharing content from other media on these networks and producing original content for them in a consistent way will ensure that your company is seen as an entity with sufficient prestige and power, thanks to the “full store” effect.
In terms of social media marketing, this translates into the degree of trust that a user will grant you by observing the number of “likes,” reactions, and interactions of other users with your content. In this case, the number matters since the more positive reactions, the public will choose to follow you and will consider your offer seriously. Hence the importance of sharing and producing interesting content in these media.
Social media content provides an excellent opportunity to get to know your audience
Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, revolutionized the way users interact with each other and with the brands they prefer. This is the best example of the reach of Web 2.0 based on free speech and the way each prospect can contribute to the campaigns of many companies. Therefore, the comments and opinions of your followers, as well as the way in which they react to your content, represent valuable information for two reasons:
- They allow you to know first-hand what they think of your campaigns: there is no more sincere and direct interaction than the thousands of comments from your followers on each social network related to your Inbound Marketing plans. Pay attention to the reactions and suggestions of your followers to measure the efficiency of each of your links within your promotion strategy.
- They allow you to create content based on objective opinions: when a considerable number of users think that a video created for the TOFU of your Inbound strategy should have extra elements, or else the story would look better in another way, they are indicating the type of content they prefer. Therefore, take advantage of this information to take the next step with greater security, creating content closer to their tastes and interests.
Social media content is critical to the success of your plan. Therefore, combine the original information for these platforms with that of your corporate blog. The purpose will be to attract leads, in addition to generating trust in your brand and, at the same time, increasing traffic to your digital media.