Monitoring apps are very popular these days. And though it is illegal to use them other than for parental control or supervising employees, who know and agree to it, some people still violate the rights of others by unfairly applying monitoring apps for spying.

To prevent users from illegal surveillance, developers follow some safety measures. Thus, a monitoring app must be detectable on the target device. It means that a person under supervision must have an opportunity to easily find such applications among other software on their smartphone or tablet and, thus, be aware that they are being monitored.

If a monitoring application is invisible, i.e., runs in stealth mode, its usage is outside the law. Nevertheless, some people keep using misgiving software to spy on their spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends, third parties, etc.

Many wonders if detecting a spy app on Android devices is possible. Yes, some signs mean that you’ve got spying software installed on your device. Sure, they are subtle and hard to notice by the naked eye. However, if you know exactly what to look for, you will detect them easily. Due to specific designs, spying software causes some slight glitches.

How to Find Spy App on Android

detect spy app on android
How to Detect Spy App on Android 3

Strange Device Behavior

The first thing to pay attention to is the sudden odd behavior of your smartphone or tablet. If it lights up when not in use, makes random beeping noises, or shuts down on its own, it can be a sign that some malicious software provokes such behavior.

Battery Rundown

If you notice that your device suddenly needs to be charged more often than ever before, you should pay attention to it, as it may be that some spy software increases the use of your battery.

Android Device Manager

Check whether Android Device Manager is enabled on your smartphone or tablet. If it is, then anyone who has your email password can track you and your device. And do follow your battery use by checking the consumption list. If you see ADM there, someone is probably tracking you.

Battery Consumption List

Once again, if you suspect someone is spying on you, check your battery use systematically. Pay attention to location, Wi-Fi, and 3G components. They are highly used if they appear in the top 4 apps that consume the most of your battery life. Avoid it if you use navigators or data intensively. However, if you don’t, it is another big sign of spying.

detect spy app on android
How to Detect Spy App on Android 4

Receiving Strange Texts

Spy software operates by sending coded messages to your device and back. Sometimes the process goes incorrectly, and you may notice weird SMS in your incoming messages. Another sign you should consider is receiving unusual text messages containing random digits, symbols, or characters. Another sign you should consider is receiving unusual text messages containing random digits, symbols, or characters. Another sign you should consider is receiving unusual text messages containing random digits, symbols, or characters. Another sign you should consider is receiving unusual text messages containing random digits, symbols, or characters. That means you probably have a spying app installed on your device.

Data Use Increase

A good way to detect a spy app on your Android device is by following your monthly data use. If you see that your data use increases once a sudden, it may mean that you are being spied on. There are many data managing applications for that purpose, and you can easily find a good one on Google Play. There are many data managing applications for that purpose, and you can easily find a good one on Google Play. There are many data managing applications for that purpose, and you can easily find a good one on Google Play.

Of course, all the signs above are rather hints to consider and check than unquestionable evidence. Nevertheless, note them carefully!

Luckily, there is one tip that is hard to argue.

Location Services, Data, and Wi-Fi

To make sure about being spied on, disable location services, data transfer, and Wi-Fi. If they turn on automatically within 6 hours, it will mean for sure that someone is using a spy app against you. Spyware cannot operate without using these components and thus, we will try to enable them.

Once you detect spying software installed on your smartphone or tablet without you knowing, you will surely want to find out how to get rid of it. Thankfully, it is not that hard.

How to Uninstall Spy App on Android

Software Update

As we have already mentioned, spy apps are very specific due to their design. That’s why they must be upgraded with each new software update of the target device. To get rid of an undesired app on your smartphone or tablet, you can update your O.S version or re-install it. This will kill malicious spyware without hurting the rest of your device.

Factory Reset

Another way to uninstall a spy app on Android is by performing a factory reset. This process will get your device back to initial settings, which means that all your applications and data will be deleted. Thus, don’t forget to back up first to save the information you care about (photos, apps, text files, messages, etc.) Note that this procedure may seem tough for ordinary users. However, if you don’t want to puzzle it all out, take your device to a local supplier, who will do it quickly and more likely for free. You can find a tutorial on installing a factory reset on Android online.

Hopefully, this article will help if you start suspecting spying on your Android smartphone or tablet.

P.S.: Feel free to contact us in case of any questions. We will be happy to help you protect your loved ones and your device against intruders. We also will be thankful for sharing this useful article on your social media, but you are free to pass on this idea.

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