You know how it usually goes – Google is talking about a new Android to be released soon, and all you get is a slightly different button design and nothing helpful or innovative. Despite all the previous disappointments, Android Marshmallow is going to be the coolest version to be released today. Here are some of the reasons why you and your kid will love it.


Do you know how modern smartphones have tons of different sensors that you use for fitness apps? A Doze feature in Marshmallow will use them as well, but for a completely different reason, and you will love it, especially if you are not fond of always keeping the phone near a power socket. Having control over all apps and functions (yet, this is a changeable feature), Doze is going to detect whenever the phone is not moving (meaning it is not being used) and would enter a deep sleep mode. That usually includes switching off syncs, Wi-Fi, and other energy-consuming processes. In the long perspective, this feature will provide you with a longer-living battery.

USB Type-C

Android Marshmallow
Android Marshmallow Features Everyone Will Love 4

Finally – you will not have to define which way is up on your new USB cable. It took a long time, but Type-C has all the best there is about this most used connection. Google promises it will be working much faster, and this will affect the charging process. They say Nexus 6P will be fully charged for about two hours.

Better Google Now

Android having a Now is not a new thing, but the Marshmallow version of the feature will be more helpful for any user. As long as Google Now is pre-baked into the OS and works as a better personal assistant that would know where exactly you are and what you need at the moment.

Improved Copy-Pasting Feature

Let’s be frank, in previous versions of Android, copying any text was a nightmare. The text selection tool was way too weird to use, and after you’ve managed to select the part you need, you had to scroll back to the top and click the corresponding buttons there. Marshmallow will let users hover above any text they need – sounds a lot like iOS, but well, it is still better than an old version.

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Android Marshmallow Features Everyone Will Love 5

Clear Permission System

Having to figure out if the application you’ve just downloaded should be able to use your camera or not was pretty irritating. With Marshmallow, it would be much simpler. It will only ask for permissions when needed, and also, a permission list will be composed based on the rights you’ve given to certain apps. That means finding the app that has access to your photo storage or location will be much easier than looking through all the applications in search of the needed one. For sure, this is not the fanciest and coolest change for Android, but the installation process will become less frustrating process.

Personalized Lock Screen Message

There would finally be a chance to use a part of the lock screen for your needs. In Marshmallow, a textbox just under a lock screen time bar could be used for any notes, reminders, motivational quotes, or even name tags if a chance of mistaking the phone for someone else’s device.

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Android Marshmallow Features Everyone Will Love 6

The Bottom Line

For sure, these are not all the cool features Android Marshmallow smartphones will have, and every user will find something special and dear. You can see that this OS would be simple and understandable for younger users. If you are thinking about getting your kid a new smartphone, choose Marshmallow, install Android Parental Monitoring App to ensure your child’s phone use and internet surfing will not be spoiled by any inappropriate content, and explore the best Android Marshmallow is about to offer!

Do you like the new Android? Please share your experience using Android Marshmallow with us on social media, or leave your comment below!

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